Millennials are considered as very important part of today’s workforce. Why is that? It is true that many employees are trying hard to recruit more millennials. This infographic shows 7 valuable tips to win the war for millennial talent. So, why millennials matter? Millennials became the largest group in the US workforce in 2015 (US Census), and similar changes are occurring in most economies. Older groups like Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers are declining as a proportion of the workforce.
According to the infographic, creating an engaging employer brand is your starting point in winning the war for millennial talent. Next, use smart marketing to be an „employer brand of choice“. Moreover, you must offer flexibility and hire or develop HR leaders with tech smarts. HR leaders and teams must understand how to leverage technology. Finally, ask your millennials to head up your delegations to university recruitment functions and job fairs and make sure they are active in recruitment processes including interviews.
Infographic by Recruitment Software
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