Environment, Food, How To, Lifestyle

How To Get Rid Of Garden Pests Without Pesticides

Being a vegan, I have a problem with killing things.. yes even bugs. So when i started to plant things in my allotment I had to face the fact that I was going to have a wage a war between keeping my plants alive and the insects that wanted to kill them. Of course I wasn’t out to kill all the insects in the garden and if i could help it I only wanted to deter the insects and try to do a little harm as possible, so i decided against pesticides. Now any one who has planted anything will know, you are bombarded daily with pests and it is a full time job to control them, made harder without pesticides. But it did work and I feel that although it took time and a little luck, it was the best solution to the problem as the insects in the garden that i didn’t kill with pesticides helped me manage the pests attacking my plants. I have chosen some of the common pests that affect a UK garden in this graphic and also ones that I encountered in keeping my veggies alive. By far the most difficult was the aphid because when they hit, you are talking millions of these swarming over plants. I hope that these tips help you and you decide to put down the pesticide and work with nature to win the war.

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10 UK garden pests and how to kill them ethically



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