Infographics, Technology

Home Automation Tips for 2018 and Beyond

Automated homes still feel like something straight out of a science fiction movie. Furniture that heats and cools to a perfectly pleasant, lights that you can control with your smartphone, curtains that open and draw on preset times, and a myriad of other convenient home solutions make your home an absolute haven of modern lifestyle.

And it’s not only about convenience. Smart home automation and security devices make sure you are well protected against fire, storms, burglars, and other threats. 60% of convicted burglars stated that the presence of a security system is a major deterrent. Also, the maximum number of home fire deaths between 2009 and 2013 happened in homes that did not have a working fire alarm. Such facts sure make you want to tighten up your home automation and security systems right away.

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Yet, though a rising trend, home automation is still not a priority on an average homeowner’s mind, and this is primarily due to a lack of complete knowledge on how to integrate them into their daily lives. Technology as sophisticated as this is perceived to be complicated or ‘too-hi-tech-for-me’. That, however, is far from accurate, as IoT has now made smart home technology accessible for all. This infographic will introduce you to the world of smart home tech and help clear all your doubts in this area.

Home Automation Tips for 2018 and Beyond

This infographic was originally published on Octane Seating website.


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