
Ireland’s Christmas Safety Mistakes

Keeping your home and family safe at Christmas is essential to your happiness throughout the festive period. When Zurich Insurance carried out a recent study on how Irish families lack basic safety precautions, we had to share the information to the public. This infographic highlights a wide range of simple oversights that many Irish families make around Christmas that could be fatal. Simple situations such as leaving candles close to curtains, 1 in 10 respondents admitted to doing this, a whopping 22% of families don’t even have a working smoke alarm fitted.

We all hear of accidents at Christmas and Zurich Insurance want to raise the awareness with parents that simple oversights should be taken seriously. Such as filling the bas of your Christmas tree with water so that the tree stays moist, reducing the possibility of catching fire, again switching off Christmas lights when you leave your house may not look so pretty, but also may prevent a significant accident, over 10% of Irish families questioned fail to do this over the festive period.

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Ireland’s Christmas Safety Mistakes

Infographic by Zurich Insurance Christmas Safety Infographic


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