Business, Technology

QR Code vs. Barcode: The Differences Every Manufacturer Should Know

To improve the security of your facility, it is important to implement steps to keeping track of your inventory. That is the main purpose of barcode technology, which saves the time and effort of manually counting every product. Codes assign a set of information unique to every item and send that information to the system database where they can be monitored. But although sharing the same main purpose, different codes have different capabilities that every manufacturer should be aware of.

Standard 1 Dimensional barcodes are the most common code that everyone is certainly aware of. They can be found in household items that are massed produced yet still have unique sets of information. Other products, however, would need more than simple coding to fully secure their information. That is how the 2 Dimensional codes came about, the most common being the QR Code. This type of code is much more complex, with the ability to store much more information. Learn the different applications of these codes in the infographic below.

QR Code vs. Barcode


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