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SEO Beginner Guide By Rnaura

Special Tips for SEO Beginner
As we all know there in a single day, millions of website established. And with various programming factor, they are ready to come in the market of the Internet. Now the question arises like how can I make my website ranked according to Google updated norms?
First You should familiar with SEO Types
1. On page SEO
2. Offpage SEO

Definition of On page SEO
The on-page SEO is a very first step that comes under while starting SEO. You should familiar with the definitions like meta title, meta description, meta keywords. These are the terms which are a basic necessity while doing SEO.

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The optimization of the website with pages, post, images or any other information added to our website known as On page SEO. This optimization helps to provide you website ranking or we can say a key to the success of website huge traffic.

Never Forget These On-Page SEO Techniques 
Keyword Research
Best Content quality
Pages titles and meta descriptions
Content norms SEO
Headings and content Optimizations
Images and other gallery elements
SEO friendly URL optimization
Internal and External links
Website Page loading speed
Mobile friendliness Responsive
Comments and on-page SEO guidelines

What is Off-page SEO
Off-page, SEO refers to do the various techniques or the submission that helps to improve the website ranking in the search engine.

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seo services by rnaura

Various Off-Page SEO Techniques 
Link building
Bookmarking Submission
Image Submission
Business listings Submission
Directory Submission
Document Submission
Questions answers Submission
Blog and Article Submission
Document Submission
Video Submission

Hope you get the basic idea of SEO and their various techniques to be used while ranking a website.


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