Executive cars, because of their spacious body styles and luxurious interior, have been highly popular across globe for decades, especially in the European automobile market. If you go back to 1970’s, executive car was a buzz word among auto-lovers. Owing to fuel crisis, the sales of these vehicles couldn’t rocket up with the passage of time, however, the production wasn’t halted. Among the earliest executive car manufacturers, Jaguar’s name cannot be omitted. Some of the automakers initially assembled this class of vehicles but abandoned the idea soon.
Modern automotive world is characterized by cutting edge technology and manufacturers are utilizing it to produce stunning vehicles. Audi, Mercedes, Jaguar, Volvo and some other brands are among the leading manufacturers of executive cars. If you are a denizen of UK and you are trawling for a superb executive car, we shall provide you complete information about the most popular models. In the following infographic, you can go through a detailed account of top 10 best executive cars to buy in the UK in 2017.